If you’ve been injured in a truck accident in Wisconsin, you are entitled to compensation.

Recovering Damages After a Truck Accident | Welcenbach Law Offices - t2If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, one of the main questions you want answered is; “What type of damages can I recover for my injuries?”

Each state sets forth what type of damages may be recovered from a truck accident. And each state has its own unique limitations. In addition to the items listed below, your spouse may have a claim for the loss of society and companionship for the reduction in the quality of the relationship.

In general, a victim of a truck accident in Wisconsin will be entitled compensation for the following “compensatory damages”:

  • Property damage
  • Past medical bills
  • Past lost wages
  • Past pain and suffering
  • Worried the stress embarrassment
  • Future medical bills
  • Future pain and suffering
  • Future wage loss

If the truck company or driver acted with an intentional disregard for your rights, punitive damages may be recovered. Some states do not allow punitive damages while others place a cap on it. For instance, there is a limit of “the greater of $250,000 or twice the compensatory damages” in Wisconsin.

If a loved one passed away due to the negligence of the truck company or driver, then you may recover damages for the wrongful death. These are called “damages for loss of society and companionship.” Some states have caps on these. For instance in Wisconsin, the cap is $350,000. Each state is different, but the recovery is generally limited to a spouse or the children of the deceased.

Usually, to prove you’re entitled to compensatory damages, a doctor would be required to link the physical injuries to the truck accident. The doctor would also be required to testify to any expected future medical bills or future pain and suffering.

To prove a future wage loss and economist, vocational expert or other experts may be called to provide evidence.

For more information about compensation for your truck accident injuries, call Welcenbach Law Offices. We understand trucking laws and will get you the compensation you are entitled to.